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@mix %MfqGAuAQMebjg+eY9LYZ30ZKeBoeXJeE4E5nQ8r3R8A=.sha256
Re: %qQxD+1r1p

Answer (I think)

This is hand-wavey because how all this plugs together is hard to follow (for me) because documentation is missing, and the stack has a lot of layers :

  1. ..... the write method for a message is in ssb-db/minimal.js (I've just heard this is true)
  2. ssb-db/minimal.js#L179-L205 the append metod uses a queue
  3. ssb-db/minimal.js#L117-L127 this is defined here, and takes an hmac_key
  4. ssb-db/minimal.js#L74 which is var hmacKey = opts && opts.caps && opts.caps.sign

which in my case is null

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