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@ev %O8s4SGAd8CDf+GTiW3Ids2OucmXViZT1RNSSyJx5Sjw=.sha256
Created a git issue

Stability has been an issue for me with git-ssb-web of late.

git-ssb-web often is 'killed' by the OS without warning, and I have to go in and manually restart it.

I was running git-ssb-web on on a 256mb Ramnode instance with 1gb of swap. I figured this was the issue. So I fired up a new vps on DO (using vps2arch to archify it) and added 1gb of swap. There's nothing else running on this vps. I launched git-ssb-web and almost immediately it was 'killed' by the OS. I did this a few times during the night without success for more than a half an hour.

I'm guessing this is because git-ssb-web is consuming too much memory? 256 + 1gb/swap used to be plenty, but now 512 + 1gb/swap doesn't seem to be enough to run git-ssb-web on my vps.

@Dominic %7YY9x6hWS1tEamKe2fhmG753w6AAF1NrDftpKX6gNTM=.sha256

there are now a lot more git-ssb repos. is that related?

@cel %hzb81BT+Q+tqFDehxMKF+jdw7T17+kQzW0suT+hUGpw=.sha256

Does it crash just on starting to run it, or after browsing some pages?

There was a change I made in ssb-git-repo recently that might be contributing to this - I can try undoing that. It also could be because of there being more repos and more content on the network.

@ev %dTHXGQlaHGOC1zt5Rbb6k59i0GgOHSpgVzpZNVuvwcc=.sha256

@cel I wish I could tell you when it is 'killed', but it's not consistent. It doesn't seem to relate to one particular thing that I'm doing. In fact it's more frequent that I've discovered that it's 'killed' upon checking gitmx after returning from grabbing a taco.

I realize that's not very helpful, but I'm up for reverting to a previous commit to see if that helps things.

@cel %TbVfxBqi+OV936nQA0CLDsum0BhEsJclHBr5YBcq7KY=.sha256

@ev can you try reverting 6f1c8eb546ba380683c4a484ef66530c7d819591 in ssb-git-repo? Or find ssb-git-repo/lib/repo.js and apply this patch:

diff --git a/lib/repo.js b/lib/repo.js
index 35aabe4..c5744c1 100644
--- a/lib/repo.js
+++ b/lib/repo.js
@@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ Repo.prototype.getObject = function (hash, cb) {

 Repo.prototype.getPackfile = function (id, cb) {
-  this._getBlobCached(id, cb)
+  this._getBlob(id, cb)

 Repo.prototype.getPackIndex = function (id, cb) {
-  this._getBlobCached(id, cb)
+  this._getBlob(id, cb)

 Repo.prototype.packs = function () {
@ev %0J6QJzOFAYy9W1ZWSr1DK3J4KYC50SN4hxiJ1d4a4s8=.sha256

Ok, reverted to git-ssb-repo@1.8.3

Let's all try to crash

@ev %KZEZEVsQcYKYP3hGl5Bar+p9ie8tKEdaaLkN16lEjYo=.sha256

@cel Seems a lot stable, and also faster to me already.

I'll be sure to report back in the morning if it crashes overnight.

@cel %3WMk60Su0vK/7WkBNG5+rJwhiTW0EjNOv8vB7ooXTq8=.sha256

Ok, cool

@ev %zd+V9AtwQGW2b1gNCUuXRTpRBZvViYMz6fjZtktbsR8=.sha256

It died, but it was not killed. The good news is I have an error

class FastBuffer extends Uint8Array {}

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at Buffer.Uint8Array (native)
    at FastBuffer (buffer.js:8:1)
    at Buffer.slice (buffer.js:817:10)
    at next (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:61:23)
    at readData (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:11:7)
    at readChunk (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:79:7)
    at /home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-git-repo/index.js:414:7
    at next (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:33:9)
    at readData (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:11:7)
    at readLine (/home/ev/gitmx/node_modules/pull-buffered/index.js:43:7)
@Dominic %sBL+I3pTH8CM2wv97YXkvkA76j+XzdRc52PHZnH8CO4=.sha256

I think we have fixed this bug in other pull-streams,
for example

since pull-buffer reads in a loop, if it happens to be sync (if a big queue has built up) then it can blow the stack. The simplest way to fix is to use nextTick, but the best way is to detect if it's sync and use iteration.

I made to solve that problem.

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