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@mmckegg %P+8Rgx01vNx9r/vzIHhx4r70J0ptmXdp4liZv4cWxVQ=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Lots more little tweaks and improvements today:

  • channel auto-complete suggestions are now ranked based on most used
  • @-mention autocomplete now shows whether you are following someone or not, and prioritizes participants in the current thread, then people you follow
  • reduced the amount of friend/following/follower profiles that show on the profile sidebar by moving most of them into "view more" sheets and only showing the top 10 (prioritizing most recently updated profiles, and mutual friends)
  • added a filter/search box onto the profile list sheet (used when clicking "x likes", "mutual friends", etc)
  • fixed a bug where most about messages weren't showing (had to change all 3 fields to show up)

Was planning on following all that up by releasing Patchwork 3.8.7, but unfortunately I hit a little snag with some breaking changes pushed as a patch release. Managed to fix the initial issue (thanks @mix for figuring out what the problem was), but then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to solve another.

Ran rm -rf node_modules and install fresh and now patchwork won't load. Something has changed in a scuttlebot dependency that is causing createUserFeed to stall. I tried looking into it and looks like something weird is going on with muxrpc which I think @Dominic has been working on recently. Messed around for many hours trying to figure it out, but couldn't get to the bottom of it. Hopefully it's an easy fix!

As soon as that is sorted, I'll push out the new release!

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