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@cryptix %P9fyFLuZ7udgPOgr5DNl8qRNYPAXoRVsJFonDkoOS7Q=.sha256

So the topic of todays #scuttle-shell hacking journey will be electron-builder!

I mainly need to figure out how to bundle the systrayhelper binary for forked-systray into the AppImage and windows installer versions.

Along the way I hope to understand how to better bundle libsodium bindings. Somtimes they fail and then it falls back to js-crypto which is sloooooow...

In the case of the systrayhelper it would mean that sbot doesn't work, though!

@cryptix %oF0hqxRHGsDteL8qQ0VZPrpTInEQyXEaS3zJqFPVaNg=.sha256

hrm.. this turned into a pretty unrewarding stroll of documentation, issues and search results. wish there were more actionable things from this to document...

I managed to get a appImage version of tale:net with scuttle-shell working but only if the systrayhelper is there already.. I'll try to see if I can stuff the helper in using electron-builders extraFiles option, and just put it in $appImageRoot/bin/....

on the plus side: npm i scuttle-shell works on a clean ubuntu install. The helper is now put into node_modules/.bin, not $HOME/.cache. I did what cel and dom prompted me to try in %djB2Y9L.... This is now possible as of forked-systray@3.0.7, albeit with another ugly hack to please npm (the bin has to be there before the install hook script runs, so I checked in a stub).

I'm also setting up a windows VM to better test installs on that platform.

@cryptix %1Jf2O3XK0FE0RWGAGHM1GDxf5D7QdOmBwrgnb2bhWCo=.sha256

apart from finally having solved the electron-builder mystery....

windows scuttle-shell teaser.png

This also works under windows as far as I can tell...! Some nit-picks with the installer script for the NativeExtenssion stuff that needs to be cleaned up but it's getting there.

@cryptix %+a6jT+Vr4HYjEXeKhORxdqhCC4fbALZMnb7Kxd48yxA=.sha256

I reworked the setup script of the shell today and finally added a AppVeyor project to test the shell on windows and enabled OSX on travis as well!


@cryptix %eaqh4YndRnEi2jztAw7RuZN+TcGSrF4aa/LqBhnRCBk=.sha256

quoting myself before it get's burried in the commit msg history:

my biggest concern right now is, that all of this assumes source
installation (npm i on the users system).
For electron or other bundling applications, this needs to re-run on
application init AND the loader and manifest paths might need fixing.

where this is scuttle-shell as an npm module in other software.

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