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@Hendrik Peter %PkJVJpySOU5ALiZat7IK+6fqNnValR3adtIAZ8OxjvE=.sha256
Re: %bIuvltm7F

We should probably merge one of the 2.
Given the fact that most implementations of rooms so far have only seen a Dockerfile and not a docker-compose.yml I don't see any issues with just merging the Pull req you opened @cryptix apart from the thing with the double
FROM with a reference to another Dockerfile out of our control doing magical things.

and the one I opened adds a few more customization options (both if you just use the Docker file or the docker-compose combo). (but we could just move the over to your pull.

either pull req works for me, the one that doesn't make it can still be referenced for future people to see how to setup compose and the likes (and I'll probably continue to use compose so I have something to reference my helm charts to.

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