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@mikey %PpBm6onXkKWvnJB3q7Kq5T0yPFkKnOyMMk/oeHom8zY=.sha256
Re: %43k0U0uGU


in retrospect it felt like a really silly battle where the isms fight against each other, in a great big miscommunication.

a lot of people were concerned that i didn't know how communists hurt so many people.

it's another reminder not to use simplistic but legible identifiers like communism or fascism to describe complex systems, it attracts the trolls.

the personal attack was strange, the replies were like a witch hunt. it's not my kink to be attacked by random strangers, so let's hope nobody does anything stupid.

i maybe should have said the original message privately and maybe only the subsequent message publicly.

i'm taking this as a warning sign that we are not ready to counter the September that never ended, we need to get our butt in gear.

if Scuttlebutt is to survive, i think we should split this big ship (singleton network) into a floatilla of smaller ships (small world network).


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