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@mix %Pu29SRf/HSBs0NLk9wjahZDrcRFwHvyPWkdY4AOLF4E=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT

I can help with builds if that's ever useful @matt

@substack thanks for expanding, I think your critique around target audience is probably quite right. I enjoy writing but need practice and input to write for different audiences.

What I heard you say was that you understand my intention + the dynamics of scuttlebutt at the moment, but that that didn't come through. In terms of amending that message to reduce confusion, or speak in language that lands the message in a better way, Medium lets you leave comments, so perhaps a couple of people posting corrections could be good. I'm also happy to edit the body of the post directly.

Would you be interested in pairing on (or proposing changes to) that writing?

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