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@mix %Q1QqS1uW43Q6uFzd/vcgn9Q8ONcUJcWNpx7M3i1UZD0=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ

Emotions: confused and a little grumpy, and happy
Rational: I am glad that you're being clear on what you are energised by. I feel annoyed that you've dropped this change part way into the decision making week because for me personally it is a surprise and I'd already been doing thinking based on a different configuration. This is making more mental work for me as a participant and more work to try and fold in everyones feedback as the Adjudicator (perhaps). I can get over this but wanted you to know this felt jarring for me, and this isn't my preferred way to operate? I think it might be good to re-emphasise that the week before the 1st is about iterating and refactoring? I dunno, what do you think?

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