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@Andrei Cociuba %QFCBeOAUbQUnuVUVg1vN4eHFm9nVifIjC1IukA7pEOU=.sha256

just chiming in my two cents:

personally, i feel like #documentation for running your own #ssb-server is few and far in between. i seem to find outdated documentation and insufficient examples to understand how things are done.

I should mention that i am not a programmer, but i am fairly proficient at understanding limited scope code. though i couldn't wrap my brain around something as big as ssb-server by diving into the code.

I would love more examples and/or real life tutorials, if possible.

Currently, for some reason i cant get my server to generate new invite codes, and the old one i have got, though good for 1k invites, seems to work very flakily when i test it out from my own computer by backing up the .ssb folder and then creating a new test account.

I might or might not also have some issues with port forwarding at my router, and use DDNS, although i wouldn't know what to do mre than just forwarding the ssb port.

Is there something i am not finding on google? a walkthrough i am not aware of? can someone point me in the right direction?

I really think i could onboard more people if i were able to somewhat personally guarantee connectivity

@mix %iQyIyOrQ8MH+VqeFB2I0N1fsws5tlpLL6wWZmO25Djk=.sha256

very fair feedback. Thank you for saying this kindly and clearly @Andrei Cociuba, is really really appreciated.

Can you tell us about your current setup?

I'm fairly familiar with scuttlebutt and I found setting up my own pub on digital ocean recently quite fidely! My setup is (digitial ocean) with a copy of ssb-server@14 cloned down with git and installed (because a global install with npm was causing some problems), and then running a while loop in tmux (so that the server keeps running no matter what).

Sorry that's quite a lot of jargon, I'm happy to unpack all of that if needed. I just wanted to write a quick list of how and where I am so that you (and others) can ask for more detail or compare immediately if you get it.

@mix %a3jPPXLNZGTgzidROiHoV192U0JALkhE3Ytlu15nGSQ=.sha256
Voted just chiming in my two cents: personally, i feel like #documentation for r
@mix %nr14x84Ifa6qIKLsmK5BS3jdDFQPBnwIJQAePUSesKw=.sha256


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@mix %WGkbVCQ2hhs2nAIr8vBx3jWeUoDms+l7j4z4HY4+22E=.sha256
Voted That's gorgeous. I want a tail too now :smiley:
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