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@andrestaltz %QJbcNz5tGHQax3hApt4NjPrcct6lYmk2BjlLWR8gu1o=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

Thanks @Piet for the PR, it seemed quite a good small amount of changes (meaning good modularization).

I tested it by recording the initial sync experience between phone and my computer on LAN. The app on the phone was installed from scratch, so it had an empty database.

When in the same LAN, the mobile sbot begins syncing with the computer's sbot (which is @andrestaltz), and after ~2MB of transfer, it's done. At this point, I think mobile sbot is not trying to replicate anyone else, because it is still not technically following the computer account. This means both before and after the PR, we have the same experience, because the mobile sbot is replicating only one feed. During this experience, we see the notification progress bar (and it updates smoothly every 1 second), and if we refresh the feed we immediately see updated content. We would also want to have this same experience when syncing many accounts (that is, we want notification progress bar and we want refreshing to show the newly updated content). Because the experience before and after the PR were the same, I don't need to share the video recordings of how that went. It was nearly identical.

What matters is what happens after the mobile sbot follows the computer sbot. After that, they are at hop=1 range, and the mobile sbot should begin asking for hops=2 feeds, and this is when (IMO) the replication limiter should kick in. I thought that due to the use of the replication limiter, we would see the notification progress bar, and we would immediately see new content upon refreshing the feed. To my surprise, though, the use of the replication limiter made no noticeable difference.

See this video recording of before and after the PR:


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