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@Dominic %Qor3xtmyKjqnKAk88ol+2eduUlBqJdZi/nbyrQ2nS10=.sha256
Re: %BNLEyVrmC

@emile I got really confused why you might think I should fly a Q until I noticed that you where talking about the Lima flag. I think this article would have made more sense: (also it's first image is the lima flag)

@Christian Bundy %ebWqmZee8ZlVVabyeHfx7xNnOz006y98yH9KsZ24HXk=.sha256


Very tempted to fly this flag in my apartment, but I don't think anyone would get the joke. (For what it's worth, I wouldn't have gotten the joke more than 30 seconds ago when I saw that flag for the first time.)

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