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@mix %R6A02RYOF84SHmAYiLPieJnEPUhrgR2pVHfKt21pgn8=.sha256
Re: %W5LfLGWnK

2018-12-10 mon

more versioning

2018-12-11 tues

finally merged the versioning work. kinda excited about how I could combine recombine and recombineForward. I think our testing is pretty comprehensive now, but it's kinda shocking out much it took.

it also seems like versioning of different message types should not all move in lockstep. but this will require more time.

2018-12-12 weds

started in to reviewing PRs

2018-12-13 thur

caught up with @peg about what our next priorities are. We agreed that I would spend a time-boxed amount of time on seeing about breaking the version lockstep. Peg is gonna have a go at building some front end view as a bit of a stretch + learning exercise


connected @kieran's work in, and pushed the forward-shard button for the first time, which was exciting!


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