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@Cory ~😎 %RiqjTuUoEVWb/BfxdRybXGEJ+0KM+MBqkBTNcharQmo=.sha256
Re: %RTUFEXezi

Where's the "useful" line between "lets me post from the command line" and "sbot-compatible?" Tilde Friends is a small daemon that does replication, has a web interface, and it has supported posting from the command-line, but I haven't made any effort for the cli to be compatible.

@enkiv2 %SjdOCld6dTO+0QxSJtq4Zy6rGb2RrtxkUBNK6NE7rJ0=.sha256

I wrote a one-liner script to use sbot to post messages, taking markdown from stdin. Anything sbot-compatible will work with the script; if it's not sbot-compatible I'd need to modify the script. But I'm not using any advanced or complex features of sbot (largely because I couldn't figure out how to get other simple features, like a truncated list of recent messages, working).

@Cory ~😎 %uyqoqVzJUjyO2R8ut24vtkNnEkj8A1MZqyZxgPkrQrY=.sha256

😅 Oh yeah, I removed command-line posting when I added multiple account support. This will motivate me to add it back.

@Cory ~😎 %b3w6FSRzENB+vMYAE03Z6Hci8dtKbDlkMzJaJXc8Ym8=.sha256

Next release will have a little something:

out/debug/tildefriends publish [options]

  -y, --user user          User owning identity with which to publish.
  -i, --identity identity  Identity with which to publish message.
  -d, --db-path db_path    SQLite database path (default: db.sqlite).
  -c, --content json       JSON content of message to publish.
  -h, --help               Show this usage information.
@Cory ~😎 %kcIbsXulucf5pDguuibzfTI7C05JgV00TtcvqdHhbJ8=.sha256

@enkiv2 Just a heads-up, I started using tildefriends publish in a cron job and fixed a few minor bugs for @SecureScuttlebuttFeed along the way.

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