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@mix %S+Cjv9F2zQFE2Ax+iEUe1uwe9kZP0uqHmj0fYKhGx4w=.sha256
Re: %VY4RezKK4

I'm opposed to binary opposition like Person OR Task.
I think the awkward to talk about truth is that it's both. By talking with people or having existing contribution in this space you establish a degree of yes-ness on the Person front. Not everyone needs to know you, I think this one starts out pretty neutral and you can burn into negative by not listening and aggrivating people, or build into the positive by helping grow the ecosystem (social/code).

I have heard you present the "I think you don't like this because it's risky, but radical is important" argument before. I don't think you're using it as a crowbar to argue whatever you want, but there's a part of me that is finding it hard to let go that this argument could be used that way.
I think I'd rather pivot into "an invitation to explore the radical possibility that could be hidden in this voyage". That's way less coercive feeling to me! Oh got it, there's an ego hook in your argument that's catching me, it's the subtext "if you don't like my idea you're neither radical nor open minded".
This is some hang up from our conversations about coop strategy. sigh

I don't think we're risk averse, I think there is a weighted analysis going on though.

I reckon a simple hack might be to include a w*ldcard choice each month.
God, I can't think about a good way to decide who decides that and how though.

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