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@cryptix %SSYnmF+VPLNswWkqYqWZWH+TRA4aR5N26wihxfZSxcY=.sha256
Re: %d5LMs6b/N

@dominic: I picked this back up today after seeing your reply in matts post but I need your help with plugins calling back to the plugin-host and it's API.

It would be really great if you could look into this PR and help me get test/load.js to pass. If I try to pass in the server in load.js to be able to call the hosts apis (like whoami or getAdress from a plugin) everything goes bonkers.. the returned manifest is definetly wrong but I just don't understand what to do or where that packet switchboard would go that you described...

After we solved this I think I can revive this branch on sbot! I wanted to add tests for this way to load plugins but currently have problems getting the sbot test suite to pass... There still seems to be a problem around mutliserv@5 and it picking the wrong default for localhost. see my comments here: - I also have this behavior on my debian patchfoo installation when I updated from 13.0 to latest. It only listens on the public v6 while sbot whoami tries to connect to localhost:8008...

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