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@ktorn %Sj+z2y+9YTT4GkXpybzuVEp+3jjTtzOoycAfZdeMgXc=.sha256


I just found out about Duniter, a new software for building cryptocurrencies. (via this thread, thanks @cel).

What I like the most about it are:

  • Universal Divident (or Basic Income) style currency issuance
  • The members take turns publishing new blocks (as opposed to proof-of-work)

This is exactly what I had envisioned. Only exception being that I would solve the the issue of sybil attacks with a different method.

Instead Duniter uses a Web-of-Trust approach, which is OK, and in my opinion really ties well with scuttlebot. We already have a WoT of sorts and I can imagine an SPV wallet relaying transactions via a pub.

What do you think? Should we explore the potential of a duniter-ssb style cryptocurrency?

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@ktorn %0y1+QCHS9c+tP2AmoMEPwggwY/qu0hZl9v75q6lniSw=.sha256

BTW, I should note that upon closer inspection Duniter does use PoW, but rather than a network-wide difficulty, it is a per-member difficulty. When you find a block, your personal difficulty goes up, whilst other's goes down, giving others a better chance of finding the next block. So it's kind of a PoW-based round robin. Interesting.

@ktorn %FIRLJ+4yxBfKTnK6ik2Inr/5w6rq3ul68137DPCCjIw=.sha256

I just met Inso in their chatroom. He'll probably join us here soon.

@Dominic %iOCNrCBJWVjMAd6GX9gMwYyJOwjwNUvuPq5E1hZUSuI=.sha256

This looks pretty interesting, and they also use ed25519!

@cel %bfA48wkdmTcJ637Wx5T1u3WFt0GO3+Ir2z9rk2kfEYk=.sha256

So we would publish certifications and transactions in SSB messages, and some bots would relay these to the wider Duniter network? Sounds like it might actually work. Bots could watch for new blocks on the wider network and publish them to their SSB feeds.

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@Fred %n6Cv/4b1X78gx4+ARfQMKIcCS5JZ/C3mEHA1dFEvxZY=.sha256

Hi @ktorn #duniter-ssb has arrive.

Do you know you can try to use your ssb secret id as a #g1 wallet and send/receive donation with #ssb-g1-tip

@cel-desktop is it possible to push that #g1-tip code to #ssb-git ?

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