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@cryptix (yet another feed) %SvWs+J8Mbi1EORrC+crZNwTMNsuy3QdsLpHYZKhQD8Y=.sha256
Re: %K/XMsjI8+

@moid probably knows not about the warts then me. I think I’m still in the honeymoon phase.. 😅 but yea.. again, it wasn’t painful at least.


Thanks also for the bitcask suggestion. I actually took erlbutt as an inspiration and some reference for laying out the project.

I disregarded it mostly because I didn’t want to get bogged down in making a key-value layout and then writing a bunch of conversion code to juggle things into complex objects. I might revisit it later.

The sqlite driver definitely has seen better days in the last 10 years. The original maintainer isn’t around anymore and it was forked twice already… so there is that

@cryptix (yet another feed) %q/4X9CLPLe15PTJg2/+DlcZYw7hkrE328GD6a0DlpnA=.sha256

ufh… not sure why I thought ~~~ would turn into a <hr>

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