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@pospi %T+NXb6l67/CgWiaPZy/4VQ1Xljw2kV0ZpkEb6SZhS/w=.sha256
Re: %xfaeGP6xK

Final issue is syncing profile data- doesn't seem to be working but I've probably done something silly.

  • Used the pub's invite code myself and I now appear to be following.
  • Ran this command, which seemed to succeed fine based on the output: ssb-cli publish --type about --about "@XRK+1O0EDeGEHP3hlfhLIR5C5FGFnxmMwBThI41TRZc=.ed25519" --name
  • No change to what I can see in patchwork, doesn't seem to be updating its profile?
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