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@pospi %xfaeGP6xK3d4wOThWbzhQ8izKDKXm1w1MjwqttjsDBQ=.sha256

Hmm so it's been more than 2 weeks now since I filed a bug about some internal crashes setting up a pub. From what I can tell, invite links are broken.

I guess I'm wondering whether there is much active collaboration around the SSB codebases these days. I notice Patchbay has not had any updates since the start of March, either.

Do we still have an active developer community helping to improve the core platform, or have most of the core contributors moved on into application-specific development?

Regardless of these questions, I'd quite like to be able to have a pub running so that I can increase my success inviting others on here 😉

@Christian Bundy %obM+q/lVBaaetIDi9uERq+P1wx6HP01fFjklDDWsXwo=.sha256


We're still here! I haven't been able to figure out the social boundaries around SSB-Server and have been unable to resolve that friction, so I've just made my own alternatives to SSB-Server that work better for me:

FWIW, if you ran that command via SSB-CLI you'd see:

Error: You must provide positional arguments or --flag arguments, not both.

You set 1000 as a positional argument (no flag) and then used --host, but unfortunately they can't be mixed and matched. Try settings the use count with the --uses flag:

ssb-server invite.create --uses 1000 --external

More docs here:

@pospi %fDv1HmqrEpUUx5IUt/iGCWDcLpMujQxj+w1yi8qYuSQ=.sha256

Much appreciated @Christian Bundy that got me sorted!

Ended up sticking with ssb-server for now. Correction to the command issued above (host not external):

ssb-server invite.create --uses 1000 --host

I am, however, getting connection timeouts both when I try to hit that port in a browser and when I use it as an invite code in SSB (node reports connect ETIMEDOUT in the Patchwork terminal).

Any ideas if that is a known issue? I do believe the ports are open through the Docker firewall or I imagine I would be getting ECONNECT instead of ETIMEDOUT.

Failing that maybe I just scrap this config and go with SSB-Daemon/CLI. Any useful time-saver resources you might have on that (esp. WRT Docker) would be much appreciated!

@pospi %u/jEcNfassy4tRD70AOQ2NRSMbaA3zO5tjqkvT048l8=.sha256

I'm also under the assumption that all I need to do in order to leverage my pub is use its own invite code to join this account to it, and once that's done it will be syncing my content / followers and all new users joining the pub will get those too? No other configuration necessary?

Just wanted to check those assumptions here while I've got your attention 😉

@mix %TRUacqYrFGy9GWILOY+w8b/fUzx09+S5SVkRvrLUBLc=.sha256

@pospi I'm bot actively developing Patchbay at the moment. I'm saving energy for a new client, and getting some things in order which are more important - like private groups.

also, have a 6 week old baby!

@pospi %vl6UpMmdtFdu3eURDFkoMMdB3ZQkb1S+ixvCoClVj6s=.sha256
Voted [@pospi](@Oqa5JW8rwWIVLBu38KkIb1IYz6Ax0yHuwRvLEGR1mkY=.ed25519) I'm bot act
@pospi %fG6IAy/ykEZi84NZ2k1f7Ppwseqw5J7phSBbu0HEFv8=.sha256

Oh, looping back...

For anyone else who hits these problems and is using CloudFlare, DNS is probably your issue.

I had to add a specific A record in their control panel for the subdomain my pub is being served from, pointing directly to my origin server with "proxy status" set to "DNS only". This prevents the subdomain from redirecting to CloudFlare's servers and not actually hitting your pub directly.

Also switched over to ssb-daemon / ssb-cli (was only a couple of lines of config changes), seems to be working well!

@pospi %T+NXb6l67/CgWiaPZy/4VQ1Xljw2kV0ZpkEb6SZhS/w=.sha256

Final issue is syncing profile data- doesn't seem to be working but I've probably done something silly.

  • Used the pub's invite code myself and I now appear to be following.
  • Ran this command, which seemed to succeed fine based on the output: ssb-cli publish --type about --about "@XRK+1O0EDeGEHP3hlfhLIR5C5FGFnxmMwBThI41TRZc=.ed25519" --name
  • No change to what I can see in patchwork, doesn't seem to be updating its profile?
@pospi %3RA+nAFL3M6oEWX/cKJtnNKHMZm71uVQiGDu0IpnfXw=.sha256

Oh! Looping back- this all seemed fine and to work as expected. I was presuming things would be more immediate given I am following the pub directly but it seemed like there was actually a few minutes delay in propagation.

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