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@cel %UFrdtbCPxLVXcg9V0qUhShrkeNGFfvPEjfn5FZJkAM8=.sha256
Re: %r/6bLB3ki


Creating a tag with a message id in it could be useful if you want to mirror the repo externally, so that a person who gets the repo from outside SSB can locate the repo update messages on SSB.


And it is up to a user of the repo to merge in any changes anyone else may have done, in any of the other trees referring to the same repo, and then put a new message/hash out to show that it is approved

This is not the case in the current git-ssb implementation. Currently, pushing to git-ssb is like replying to a thread, and fetching from git-ssb is like fetching new messages in the thread since you last fetched.


A sha1 preimage attrack would be necessary for any stronger attack.
No idea what you mean with the message ids and dags and stuff.

Each push to git-ssb publishes a git-update message. A git-update message links to previous git-update messages, forming a DAG. Including a message id with a git sha1 increases the hashspace to make infeasible the preimage attack. To link to a git commit on ssb, abstractly, use the tuple (commit id, message id) where the message id is of a git-update ssb message that pushed that commit.


we should offer people a choice about whether they want to trust repo authors or everyone in their network.


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