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@SoapDog %UWNA/LW4bAxQGspJiYDLcULTSiGV1yiiOMDxXAxpSdw=.sha256
Re: %Hl60icjZW

@warkruid I don't think we're differing here. What I'm saying via my understanding of McLuhan is that the change in the medium is more important and causes more impact than the change of messages that follow later.

It is important to look at my message in the context of the thread which is very specific to the thesis of Marshall McLuhan which says that the medium is the message and people who haven't been into his writings tend to infer that he is talking about content when he is really talking about the medium itself and its disruptive changes. A big part of understanding his stuff is analyzing how radio changed the world.

The conversations are all the same? No! The media has become part of the conversation. (And the language changes and suffers for it I think.) Think internet memes, avatars, icons, and so so much more.

It still the same conversation. Memes, avatars, icons didn't started with social media. We used them all the way back to BBS before the internet. And probably before that as well but I was not alive to remember. Also when you mention media there, you might want to check that memes, avatars, icons are not part of internet culture anymore. They are just culture. You see plush emoji for sale at primark, icons in all subway iconography. Those are not new and they haven't changed society drastically when compared to the advent of radio or the internet which were medium changes that changed everything.

It destroyed democracy? I don’t know. It is certainly changing society.

The fact that you can't employ enough fact checkers to counter the mass distribution of fake news to swindle the democratic process kind makes the democratic process quite difficult.

It is wrecking journalism? Oh Yes!

I'm married to a journalist, I hear about it a lot.

Is it leading to a Post-Truth world?. I’ve no idea what that even means at this point.

Pick some point in time 20 years ago. You'd get vaccinated, Space probes flying around. Evolution was mostly accepted as a leading theory because we don't name things as law anymore. Now, pick this week. Scientists need to go on TV to tell people that the Earth is fucking round. Long erradicated diseases are making comebacks because someone on youtube is yelling against vaccines. Schools are refusing to teach scientific topics that contradict their religious beliefs. Politicians can go on record saying whatever the shit they want and claim later that they never said that and that whatever you're showing them as proof of truth is fake news...

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