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@Dominic %V3nJjBbljPujVuErde9/cMLVD10jurRhRf2bM+uFcQI=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

@piet @andrestaltz after the initial sync, most syncs arn't really that big, and ebt already skips most of the heavyness of legacy replication (because it avoids doing thousands of createHistoryStream requests)

I'd ask that we just relax the requirement for throttling to instead be just on/off, or to throttle by varying the number of peers to connect with at any given time.

When we get bpmux we'll be able to make ebt streams go slow or fast, and adding an ad hoc back pressure mechanism to ebt right now will expand the scope of this current work unreasonably. I think it's better to leave it and solve it in general with bpmux.

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