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@dan %V6I2Ib8joqjxT6gnkJyKE8q8I4wRQFu1yfW7xX2EsnY=.sha256
Re: %yWguHqHq0

@mix noted!

I think I've mentioned this via signal channel.

Part of my job (that I have self-assigned) is to absorb everything from within the ecosystem surrounding us as we can. I get excited about both people, projects and things and it adds to the expansive web of connections. This is super handy at the getting started phase.

My suggestion to read this book is not about general excitement.

It is about strategic use of our limited time :) I'd say at least one of @peg
or you should read the book - it's useful even for v1. All it may mean is the addition of a field for a note to a primary shard holder. Or it may mean we decide not to change the current v1 - but at least we will be doing so from within an informed position!

I am going to try and pull out the recipie sheets and further digest them into ssb parsable chunks so y'all can hopefully see where I am coming from :dancer:

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