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@mix %VU1jTfaaCPKbsDrA97f3yiD7FHTML8VH9W9teIhZHjs=.sha256
Re: %5x9AOdw7r

Quick reminder: this is foremost a gathering for those growing scuttlebutt. Growth of this community and technology is social, cultural, some technical, and many other things, and there will be people present representing them all.

I deliberatly didn't use the word Developer because that might suggest to some people that the primary skill required to be a wanted attendee is to be a programmer. I don't want anyone to think that they're a nice to have or token. Let's skip that by just calling this ScuttleCamp, and invite everyone to come as themselves and participate as equals.

Apologies for the aside. I felt it was important people were clear. I'm open to discussing that more in a fork if anyone wants to discuss that more

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