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@dan %VawSKCwhULFqnmCIa180azjnufqIPuvU18aL+xUSNEE=.sha256

What does the #mmt acronym mean?

This was recently asked for the #glossary thread.

@alanz recently commented on the acronym clash between #mmt and Modern Monetary Theory.

The backstory is as follows. When @Kieran
and I were setting up a naming convention for referring to the project I had just watched this video by the Artist Taxi Driver singing about 'The Magic Money Tree', in reference to a phrase Theresa May was using about Jeremy Corbyn.

Trigger warning: shouty middle aged white man (the content is spot on if you can sit through that).

After about 6 weeks I was speaking with a friend from a #cryptocurrency exchange who mentioned that the MMT acronym was already in use. We also wondered if this was perhaps known by the ghostwriters of Theresa May's and was a double stab at both Modern Monetary Theory AND Labour... who knows.

Lastly - once you have picked a name of something, it become increasingly unlikely that the name will change. So we attempted to find out different words which might fit #mmt

Some of these were:

{magic money tree, margins merkle trees, mutual margins tributaries, mutual margin tendencies, margarine margins together}

It's worth stating that the project has seen some major iterative shifts so

It's kinda like but involving #cryptocurrency speculation.

No longer really resembles the project very accurately. More on this in due course.

@dan %Iok7Mnl4DNVkV0r//Qz/PM50zhHatYlCgK50jNFsNz0=.sha256

Currently active areas of research are #savingspools #multisig of #cryptocurrency for collective and organisations.

Currently working on #mmt are:

@Kieran @Alanna @mix @peg @Nikolai @pbx1-deleted @Dan Hassan

@dan %stO4AqPEgfiun1KDcuYVjOlNCdorP5HqDvT2WI7uXOo=.sha256

Also answered here:


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