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@Christian Bundy %VdBCFBaCjS5Ec9QQ5acUH327MZGM5Yx/83XAcFD+qVE=.sha256
Re: %OoBqCtaYm


Thanks! I've deleted my log many times today and am currently in the process of downloading messages, so I'll check out that link once it's available. Right now it's just throwing "not found".

The compaction method is how the current flumedb deletion prototype works, streaming from one log to the other while filtering out the deleted content. The updated code makes deletion a first-class citizen in flumelog-offset and views that support it (only my experimental one), but it relies on replacing the deleted content with a fake message, which causes problems down the line.

Really looking forward to checking out your link, I appreciate the new information.

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