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@mix %VwM9re1BCUpjrBUYvW2LgZEmVj4+66ffM6NlRwHL7fU=.sha256
Re: %uSukBEzOx

Question on altnets: can i take this identity here over into an altnet and back?

If you could then that would be nice but might also meanyou end up bleeding other people's content through if it's in your log.

If they're totally isolated then you end up with some dynamic like slack orgs, which I really dislike (way to disconnected.. i want those groups to be able to bleed into each other more)

Point #1: Communities should be organically mobile and decoupled from technical reifications.

I really strongly agree with this point @arcfide put so well. I love the redundency and flexibility pubs currently afford... they highlight how truly human-centric this protocol is

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