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@ओषधिः %W7slssepQroquxowYt3pnoe27SNZwI/rR4iYK87UnjA=.sha256

I appreciate the open vibe project

others may disagree, but actually I pledge no allegiance to mastodon, nostr, or bluesky, and would be happy to have a client that works with all of them

has me fantasizing about a similar multi-protocol-client that could also support scuttlebutt additionally. imagine this could be an interesting way for scuttlebutt to live on, even if the protocol isn't on any kind of path towards mass adoption...

@ओषधिः %czZAm3IILn67bfk41lF4QFgoReqJ5AiLHKRcuAECJ5A=.sha256

in particular fantasizing about a multi-protocol patchwork clone

@ओषधिः %FEsUTLwk10yqB/6eXDZDIB//D5MMYxHVlfuKKCGLUnw=.sha256


@ओषधिः %rPchiWuZ0XQ3/ZgVJ7HoJJ/MfdYkQbs3m5j3SAk+Sl8=.sha256

this brings me back to a long-running interest in bridging networks, but I kind of think multi-protocol clients make more sense than bridging these days, for a few reasons, one of which is consent (the main thing that turned me away from a activitypub-ssb bridge originally)

@ओषधिः %+MXApDEVOsOE8l9yMEhzE3+xzOXsbn7CUES21hd22fs=.sha256

also because I've been using beeper recently to aggregate a bunch of things recently, and it actually works quite well

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@ओषधिः %fD90sSwu6SCozpAhxIS4qfrwYCoSB9FFy9lWwYfDGp4=.sha256

@Techpriest Baunach 002 yes beeper work surprisingly well imo!

and I haven't tested out OpenVibe yet because I don't actually want to check any scrollable social media on my phone lol and they only have mobile apps right now. but I'm looking forward to try it or something similar if they make a desktop version

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@ओषधिः %zjz3WLyNkvhJhfgjZ/AKvlFdOwpQZt6DY1Y2ISXhSsg=.sha256

Had a little more time to think about it, and I think the aspect I find most interesting and cool about these aggregator projects is that it respects the reality that some people feel more comfortable in very specific online spaces, while those of us who float around between a bunch of them (usually to keep in touch with a bunch of the first type of people) want tools to easily do that. It respects everyone where they’re at, and makes a tool to help out what’s probably a niche group. But as part of that niche group, I really appreciate it!

@Techpriest Baunach 002 I appreciate this analysis so much and hadn't thought of it in this way before

having niche platform-specific posters and multi-protocol-aggregators are not actually incompatible wordlviews (vs platform-specific and auto-bridging everything are kind of incompatible with each other)

aka this solution can support me and @Techpriest Baunach 002 (people who want to aggregate) and @cblgh (who I have heard supporting context-specific posting for particular platforms)

@zoo [planetary] %Gq3eKUREGODtZLYzH/yzVlhR6jVBVXI0MVN4Isi/48M=.sha256
Voted I appreciate the open vibe project others may dis
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