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@aljoscha %YEPJB3pdhk19Y0ftfdVjCGi19nA7pJoUY0wR/OJSYWs=.sha256

Can I get information on the plugins shipping with sbot by default? lists the following:

  • ssb: The core rpcs. As far as I understand it, a program can call itself an ssb server implementation if it provides all of these rpcs.
  • blobs, block, friends, gossip, invite, private, replicate

The sbot source code lacks the blobs plugin but includes a plugins plugin.

My questions are the following:

  • Where does the blobs plugin come from? Does it ship with sbot by default?
  • Did I miss any plugins?
  • Which of these plugins can be considered so essential that every client can assume they are there?
    • since the plugins plugin is js-specific I'd like to exclude it, but everything else seems to be pretty fundamental.

@Dominic @Matt McKegg #ssb #ssb-implementations

@Dominic %mG4E0mLd8GVvylDY8ytLSb+zq2qfb1D47FIXFX8957E=.sha256

The plugins that @vtduncan documents are the most essential.

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