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@mmckegg %YF/1j6PRYzi9awMZLknuYY6WWbwr8T63zjYA3mH/JLY=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ


This is making more mental work for me as a participant and more work to try and fold in everyones feedback as the Adjudicator (perhaps). I can get over this but wanted you to know this felt jarring for me, and this isn't my preferred way to operate?

Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. That was my biggest concern. I was feeling kind of bad about my original submission for the last week, but I couldn't quite figure out why. Then I realised yesterday when I was out for a walk what I needed to do instead.

It was either this, or withdrawing my submission completely. Hopefully this simplified things in the end.

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