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@cel-desktop %YFVcX0uL5Q8cfJyqUPTPQV7M/F3SA1nneUmva90JFO0=.sha256

#scuttlebutt #irc

08:38 <cel> freenode appears to be under control of a private limited company now, against the wishes of its volunteer staff.
08:44 <cel> you should have received a Global Notice from former staff member jess about 30 minutes ago
08:44 <cel> more info:
08:47 <cel> some of the staff have set up a successor network in a similar spirit:

Farewell messages from the staff:
amdj, edk, milsp, Fuchs, jess, JonathanD, kline, Md, mniip, niko

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@cel-desktop %ozSD/lG+m++0v2Kb7hXgDbiY48vaXkHAHSuCpichDYQ=.sha256

@S0ur_Patch (Laptop) you're right, I believe it is known, sadly. I hope this leads to greater awareness of the value of IRC and good organizational structures.

09:14 <cel> posted to ssb: %YFVcX0u... %QOkZocc...
10:06 <cel> i suggest moving to or other networks. ping me if you would like your nick added here:

@cel-desktop %DtqxQE6rzSIvXRqCDI2V+qnUrKJ+7q1rEG6KQWYhKew=.sha256

10:17 <cel> %ozSD/lG...
11:38 <cel> another good network i think is OFTC:
11:45 <cel> OFTC is for Open Source and Free Software communities. Libera Chat is for free and open source software projects and similarly-spirited collaborative endeavours ("peer-directed projects" - like old freenode)
11:45 <cel> what do others here think?

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@cel-desktop %PpPT/pTVyVmeTmCRh5pzxaTZ7VfRi7T0vc5co+ETxfQ=.sha256

I think IRC still has its use.

I registered #scuttlebutt on Libera Chat and on OFTC, and also group @ssbc on OFTC.

Several people have joined the channel on Libera Chat.

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