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@cel-desktop %PpPT/pTVyVmeTmCRh5pzxaTZ7VfRi7T0vc5co+ETxfQ=.sha256
Re: %YFVcX0uL5

I think IRC still has its use.

I registered #scuttlebutt on Libera Chat and on OFTC, and also group @ssbc on OFTC.

Several people have joined the channel on Libera Chat.

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@mirsal %Ej3tp9Ldw+hW35m03b20bm3GQoG4R/cpc92ILFEskbg=.sha256

Maybe the current room should be tombstoned and redirected to the one? (all channels are bridged to matrix by default)

@cel %ndnOrZfiFWUVGByMIttxOwuje5rEUX9k1hdSNrVaz/Q=.sha256

Does anyone know or have contact with who is in charge of

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@cel %k+CkmkfwIA5Hm94Kfs3+BGEKsOYieflMxgIP0GdO01E=.sha256

My understanding is that the room admin ( is not Paul Frazee.

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