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@cel %Z2dr7bnU+6BGdSk0wu7vCGPTCFZknNkmuXmMC9LVkGU=.sha256
Re: %HhkEF4yj0

patchfoo doesn't use ssb-markdown, it uses ssb-marked. same for ssb-viewer and git-ssb-web. patchfoo and git-ssb-web edit the renderer objects to customize the rendering output, and git-ssb-web edits the lexer rules to linkify git object ids. so these won't be able to make use of updates to ssb-markdown as is. ssb-viewer might be the easiest to change to use ssb-markdown - i'm not sure. there is an update to ssb-marked %EnbxTha... that makes it linkify more protocols, but in a quick test I didn't it see it change how the post %HhkEF4y... was rendered. That said, I value compatibility of rendering, so if ssb-markdown is linkifying these then I will probably want to too.

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