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@dan %IWos81fI00ds6ot8B/8h3F0Bl2ziCE5mf6P8lRQw1mA=.sha256

@Prägnanz blob also works for me.

Thanks! Will read.

@dan %Cg2m+SokTSPKFScK8xDnu60vtkKS1Wfft0qk0l8f9Y4=.sha256

cc: #mmt

@peg @Kieran @Nikolai @Alanna @mix super timely and relevant to all the conversations about "what does informed consent mean when it comes to backing up within your social fabric"

@mix %Qj2cqbvl6zHpUHrCCylJWJC4nqNw5AMNy7NwfDQZ7c0=.sha256

ooo, this is a rich vein! I went via the pdf to the knight foundation reading about The Ripple Mapping Tool (sounds like an omega project), then out to this

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@cryptix %LkmZKu0M7RQO9GDMHL3TG7oWCEAVcemuqWz+DhNGsN0=.sha256

Very interesting indeed! Also just read a couple of pages yet but from the overview it seems the reversible part is the biggest blocker at this point for ssb.

I had the idea a while back to establish some sort of self-block or type:tombstone post to signal wanted removal. It assumes well behaving peers, of course. I'm just not sure how to establish not to re-sync that feed once it is gone maybe some sort of block-list or acknowledgment from other feeds.. have to do more thinking and would love to hear other thoughts.

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