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@mix %a0kIE9LHG9EgHfD8RV5iqHpSLh6Zh4l12qz7Ar2noFE=.sha256
Re: %1xActvV5e

ok cool - any password manager is fine. But KeePassXC is our recommended start point if you don't have one (this is my takeaway)

I like the interdependent security question @Dan Hassan. A lot. I notice that we just used a secure (encrypted, group verified identites) social network (scuttlebutt) to pass around a bunch of keys to set up a wallet.
I just imagined a future where you have a group here and I can push a button "start shared wallet" and select 5 friends.. the interfae takes care of the rest, all the others need to do is consent.

As to arbitrators - there's a common pattern I've heard in Savings Pools interviews that on the bank accounts they have 3 signatories - 2 from in the group, and 1 from outside it. It's a slightly different setup, but an interesting vibe which I kind of like.

"Need for arbitrators" is not something I feel the burn of at the moment. Perhaps there are stories about it's importance, but in the savings pools I've talked to, trust and group held conversation reign supreme.

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