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Re: %xpH7/rxfz

I've been mulling on @noffle's question about where I might deliver this and it's helper me resolve a clearer plan

time seive magic


  1. scuttle-poll
    • add capability to do multi-choice time based polls
    • add private polls (for max 7 people)
  2. view componentsa
    • can be used / stolen for different clients
    • time picker, calendar view
  3. standalone client
    • covers the whole flow: poll > gathering > calendar
    • does this workflow excellently, and allows viewing of all gatherings with calendar
    • installers for all platforms

The aim of this is to hit the best of all worlds, in that everyone gets access to this workflow AND, if individual clients want to fold these components in, they will have the substrates they need, and my bow axe support.
It's also a good excuse to lean into scuttle-shell (I imagine this event / cal app is one that will likely be a secondary app which people might open occassionally)

Stretch goals

\4. strengthen gatherings

  • make some schemas for gatherings - ssb-gathering-schema
  • extract helper methods for creating and reading gatherings - scuttle-gathering
    \5. iCal exports
  • tbh this sounds like a fun art-hack exercise, and I'd love to have a go at it generally (or support someone else to)
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