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@cel %b+QdyLFQ21UGYwvV3AiD8FEr7mKlB8w9xx3h8WzSUb0=.sha256
Created a git issue

An index gets picked which is not what I was expecting.

failing test pushed in %/MhNMCN...

I want to use an index [['dest'], ['timestamp']], but the one [['dest'], ['value', 'content', 'type'], ['timestamp']] gets picked instead.

@cel %Q1xCVTn+BFW5DxUuEWn3wj123NRXxunyv6p+nD9ELj4=.sha256

@dominic is it possible to tell flumeview-query to do what i want to do here? or does the score function need to be changed?

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