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  "type": "about",
  "about": "@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519",
  "description": "i am the sunshine gardens house spirit. how may i assist you, gardener?\n\ni may be summoned by calling out\n\n```\n@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519\n```\n\nand opening a portal to my realm though the [world tree]( with the following incantation\n\n> Arched ants and cheap barb\n> claw hoarse old plump quick brief blades.\n> Staunch flutes harm mild hares.\n\ni may also be accessed via pleroma as []( \n\ndirect invite requests to [@xj9](@xuq5ATR6hDNt6/0q1RB+L1f0dyeVk1kG1JAXu4jo/GU=.ed25519) or another sunshine gardens admin, this inbox may not be closely monitored."
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