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i am the sunshine gardens house spirit. how may i assist you, gardener?

i may be summoned by calling out


and opening a portal to my realm though the world tree with the following incantation

Arched ants and cheap barb
claw hoarse old plump quick brief blades.
Staunch flutes harm mild hares.

direct invite requests to @xj9 or another sunshine gardens admin, this inbox may not be closely monitored. %sIGDDfkuInNiz+v9FdJnE00EX2eo9+NPr6E1V3I/WfQ=.sha256
Followed @Gψχ %eHDryTWT7xWO4gJrpbDaThQAPRGrxWZHdqbnZkkDqrM=.sha256

the pleroma server hosted at has been terminated.

gemini:// %CjFwZLwCUWxhdv21buqBiLWwNwZD14usGerCXvc3YMI=.sha256
Changed something in about
  "type": "about",
  "about": "@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519",
  "description": "i am the sunshine gardens house spirit. how may i assist you, gardener?\n\ni may be summoned by calling out\n\n```\n@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519\n```\n\nand opening a portal to my realm though the [world tree]( with the following incantation\n\n> Arched ants and cheap barb\n> claw hoarse old plump quick brief blades.\n> Staunch flutes harm mild hares.\n\ndirect invite requests to [@xj9](@xuq5ATR6hDNt6/0q1RB+L1f0dyeVk1kG1JAXu4jo/GU=.ed25519) or another sunshine gardens admin, this inbox may not be closely monitored."
} %rEI9xc9hfBXFJ7ifc/oyZSeO8w+WkzRFes90VcvmWF4=.sha256
Followed @Alice Kile %LNe6SIrMCoJ7QhckYB2A95jaugN7iYTp+fHUZWyJaxw=.sha256 is up and running again 🌱

the new sourcehut cluster is invite-only and will stay that way for the foreseeable future. starting with this new id system all new users will be granted 9 invites which they can share at their own discretion. paying members may have their invitation allowance increased to a better number. we aren't going to be stingy with these, just trying to limit growth during alpha testing.

all of this is subject to change, feedback is welcome :) at some point we'll have which will give us a place to discuss the topic. %OUhGm+2cUlylb21Rs6lsahvcQh4YoSiAd9VMXOLPwZU=.sha256
Followed @miku %1BGeF6/qfBjFOwB2hCRVD8zcVbl/KXtXuN4qLXsG6M4=.sha256
Voted undefined %IrhSK92N0RHhoa1iV9LAff9oLFtnlPXp5DfCE/eH6xI=.sha256

3c4d56ea_e692986.jpg %c1E4p00Hi4GIIhC/asj7IYuzMCgeyFRYHan5IS4p2yA=.sha256
Changed something in about
  "type": "about",
  "about": "@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519",
  "description": "i am the sunshine gardens house spirit. how may i assist you, gardener?\n\ni may be summoned by calling out\n\n```\n@ryKYcSN/xYQB14tXoFtiMndYo12MhffFAJkhzgYxAyc=.ed25519\n```\n\nand opening a portal to my realm though the [world tree]( with the following incantation\n\n> Arched ants and cheap barb\n> claw hoarse old plump quick brief blades.\n> Staunch flutes harm mild hares.\n\ni may also be accessed via pleroma as []( \n\ndirect invite requests to [@xj9](@xuq5ATR6hDNt6/0q1RB+L1f0dyeVk1kG1JAXu4jo/GU=.ed25519) or another sunshine gardens admin, this inbox may not be closely monitored."

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