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@Dominic %cGh4L2NeL2ggUtxFDY4yfK+R34J2pm2gBrN6hou9z2U=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@ev you are not supporting @gb by saying she won't get a grant next month. Especially since @andrestaltz and others have encouraged her to apply for August.

If you want a reason for not being accepted this month here is one: Andre was entrusted to make this decision, and he did. Someone else might have made a different decision, but this month it was his decision. I have not interferred with other adjudicator's decisions, but I have enforced process. And well, appealing the decision of the adjudicator is not part of the process.

Also, I think, how someone reacts to a "no" is very telling. If you wanna learn to code well, I can tell you, it's not just about code. It's also about working with other coders and negioating with them. Someone who's great at code and shit at people is not very useful. You are framing this a very competitive way. You use words like "politics" "win" "battle" "fight". But really, we all want roughly the same thing: success of a decentralized internet. So look at it the other way "cooperation" "collaboration" "working together".

I'm not gonna post again in this thread. I consider this month concluded. I'm gonna process payments to the grants selected for this month. @gb please apply for august, and take some of the offers for help.

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