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@Christian Bundy %codU1kaafCOwI+biuV4EFwj6izjRYLgSWMrMdHvVj28=.sha256
Re: %A4807Ky0U


The above message was written under the incorrect assumption that flumedb.append() is our only interface into the flumeview API. After doing a bit more research, I think think our best bet would be to implement deletion from logs and views with some new API surface area: maybe flumedb.delete()?


Above I've put together my best impression of what's going on under the hood and which interfaces this might touch, and I think this could actually work. It might be useful to prototype feed deletion with flumelogs first, and if that's successful then I may start implementing it for flume views.

I'm likely getting head of myself here, but from a shallow glance at the above I think this idea might actually have legs. Are there any major problems that I should be aware of while hacking on this?

cc: @dominic

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