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@Hendrik Peter %cu23T30hCFmYskx3AMk4c/wS5n/9pXCvNTrf8bexGOQ=.sha256

Hi I'm back. been offline from SSB for a few months.
How are y'all doing?

I'll write how I'm doing ASAP with some kind of "my 2023" or something.

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@SoapDog (Macbook Air M1) %ybElKL90nDNHcMzwNCOVG5QvtiF6ELru6704eGZHWU4=.sha256

hey there! :D good to see you back here. I'm also trying to come back into SSB.

@V (Planetary) %vnWT7JAueQVjP0NouXy9mbNvxxGSZj0VspiXE8NiTmc=.sha256
Voted Hi I'm back. been offline from SSB for a few months. How are y'all doing?
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