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@ev %dIjMO/EWYthfXCm7ZFKJTYOIwXel+ruQPIXv4Zvhnpo=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

hey @gb, I'll just reiterate what I told you last week when I discouraged you from applying for this grant behind the scenes:

If you apply for this grant, be ready to:

  • fight for it politically until the end
  • have a bullet-proof proposal
  • code on the proposal until it is finished -- because even though these grants appear to be no-strings-attached money, I have a hunch they will be evaluated after the fact based on whether or not they were accomplished.

If you're prepared to do these things, you'll probably be able to get a grant in the difficult political environment that is this grant process.

@andre I agree with you about gb's proposal. I think it could be strengthened. But, keep in mind that she received absolutely no critical feedback (except from me) before being dismissed out of hand.

I also believe the other two proposals could be strengthened. It might have been more fair to everyone to push all three proposals off until they are strengthened. Micro's is a moonshoot, and I have no idea what elovie's proposal is for -- it is beyond vague.

Since you also dismissed gb's proposal based on my grant, I want to clarify a few things.

  • I am working on mvd and mutable messages. They are already implemented, and 100% work. I'll invite you to try mvd at or clone it down to your computer and build it. If you have any issues, please post them to github or git-ssb before giving up.
  • While the dev diary has been a little sparse (all three from my grant round have been), I invite you to check out my commits:
  • I had a family event last week, which put my programming on hold. It is very difficult to program when entertaining. But, family first.
  • I intend to have my grant completed by August 20th 2018

In closing, I hope that you'll either reconsider your decision to dismiss gb's grant out of hand, it has been incredibly discouraging for her. But I told her so.

Or, consider pushing all three grants off to be fair.

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