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@mix %dMEtJ9xIsfFo0V+sKEh8DLDyqnicG7DOt5O2OiJpa+g=.sha256
Re: %zzOUqPb22

@cblgh I happen to have a nice little spot on Panther Lane in Cryptovoxels which could look real good on you. It's been a quiet neighbourhood but it's gentrifying, so now's the time. god I can't role play a property developer any further

What I cant sell you are some lenses on the world - rituals and beliefs around community gardening as activism. They're ... transmissible, but not so much fungible. But they cost... just directly not in money and we all benefit?

I'm channeling Harry selling Draco the dark-art of "Science" in The Methods of Rationality

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