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@andrestaltz %dY2VrwvI5vO9Dqf1UR3Ev4zZdXJU0/XwRFwt92Y29v4=.sha256

Appreciate these pics of #braziljs where I talked about the end of the web

Sao Paulo from above


Scuttlebutt site on the slides


An audience of 1400 people


Explaining the timeline past, present, future. Things started radically changing in 2014.


Full slide PDF is available as a Dat: dat://64a10ea39416aceb6c5852d262c89edc1dfa95d4c3f1f838eb36c4cb2edffc2a

@ktorn %LbKarKDNyKvSIAuk82m4Drzf24VORecxKui/SJ1inBs=.sha256

Cool, just realized you are Brazilian! :+1:

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