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@cryptix %UAOLEhCeG+Il/+o4EN7iBSgO4FrKRLPRue0nlUgHbA8=.sha256

+1 to what @noffle said.

I'd love to see more collaboration on git-ssb but know that inline commenting on pull requests is a must have blocker for a lot of people.

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@cryptix %8Eh3er8k37CVlKZuQA/ZBjeZcC2Ez2bdklPhpyC0pHE=.sha256

Sorry about that, I often blurp out stuff without unpacking the concepts I have in my mind.

On github you can post comments on pull requstes directly inside the diff viewer so that the comments will show up on that line and not as a lonley posts in the feed of the PR.

here is a screenshot:


Without that feature it can be really cumbersome to explain what you don't like or understand in a change. You could reference the lines in your text but that is also hard to parse for the person getting the review.

We also wanted such a system for TALEnet and our triage lead us to a nearly empty solution space. Gogs doesn't want to implement it, gitlab wasn't available in a recent version for sandstorm (which we were using already for other meta coordination) so we went with a standalone gerrit instance wich is working great so far. Also because one of our team members is really familiar with it.

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@cryptix %CkxIaSajrp7pnSrhCM0oCsMiPjo4z1qYGuegI+YnNqY=.sha256

Oh, sorry. No, we are not using ssb as a transport with gerrit.

I might be tricked into running locally (like git-ssb-web) but I think it has too much of it's own assumptions for that and really acts like a gatekeeper to your git repo.

adding another ssb message type for inlined comments, and then teaching git-ssb-web how to render them.

sounds like a much more reasonable approach.

@cryptix %k2WIngn14tc1s8jVUAlLIK+D7KC8+5kTLaOLIopZFiE=.sha256

@bobhaugen: the problem you describe sounds like it can't really be fixed by a change in tooling alone. In my experience, people work together if they want. If they don't you get weird seemingly unrelated problems because humans are good at shifting blame onto others or external factors. I hope though the new people can influence it for the better.

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@dangerousbeans %CEJf484hRWaB89chImj3RawF3PA1Dc52NpbHmf/Kdhg=.sha256

@bobhaugen that was more or less what I built it for yeah, though it's been many years since I've worked added anything to that project and right now I feel it's kinda just a half finished dump of my ideas

It does however output JSON of projects and parts of the tree:

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