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@dan %Jz8tzTlTMpJwfFby/x1tUn4QZ/uGLUTtvN37uVTsap8=.sha256

fucking hell I love this SO MUCH. can i use this as a hero in a post sometime with attribution and love and cypherlink?

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@mix %t7pr4zE/vgTAUC/wWD5/+j4huiTOog0P0TJQ4DDiTNE=.sha256

yeah it's delightful .. the black and white diamonds remind me a little of Moebius' The Incal

@Bob %0EE7mTrcKsZp1qoVVN2KvEhDt28BC9gfHbJFBn4WfEQ=.sha256
Voted ![10118485556.jpg](&1hT/tzj3oMv5QHoSvw7f31QyXD+HbF11sxmhkCmnrlM=.sha256) N
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@dan %xzAzT9LgZqSPHxk1vgrxsiNlj//AiGU4AgOxOTK3YAk=.sha256

@gwil "Might also have a hi-res PSD lying about someplace if anyone’s interested."

I am interested.


image found in the logs under search term interest

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@dan %km3TldjpvVc4T0RyrGsJiupgCVeQGHUcDLHENIeQC2M=.sha256
Voted [@dan hassan](@NeB4q4Hy9IiMxs5L08oevEhivxW+/aDu/s/0SkNayi0=.ed25519) here's
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