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@Dominic %e2wUOFeyvGzo7hyyiLefbYdTFHiJfbfQiei6lCcPYZA=.sha256

I'm gonna start speccing out user-invites, it's a feature that allows us to grow, but doesn't have many other dependencies (don't need to rewrite anything)

@mix %LnnSQf+yc7n7efF7DJZBprAH5CD768qVRGuuUC736wU=.sha256

yes please.
Is this the standalone onboarding module ?

@ev %RtjYhevIhfQUk/50b3M5KbyX3KQlzG7xD3zwWCm7a2Q=.sha256

I just thought maybe it'd be cool to have an application that generates lite client invites. Every time you reload the page it generates a new invite. Then all you gotta do is click the invite to get onboarded with a lite client.

It could have classic invites too.

I wonder if it's confusing that there are two types of invites?

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