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@Hendrik Peter %e51qcLFeRe+1bb/OKHePL7A+r7jjSz7YnP2p7Mvhz40=.sha256

I shouldn't spoil to much before my weekly recap, but this graphql stuff built by @piet & co is just to awesome!

Preview of a public list and threads running locally using the implementation done in %2OmtLqg... on an Iphone virtual device (I only have android hardware right now):

@Hendrik Peter %G9i93VZNkO1Mk76cM4y6MzKsYybHP6OZDYfUB4Hl46U=.sha256
  • "too awesome"
@mix %QDGN7CMursav41VdCCAgrJQhCx/+pJsbfFpD2YFA0XA=.sha256
Voted I shouldn't spoil to much before my weekly recap, but this graphql stuff bu
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