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Scuttle-fest and Visiting Lands with ongoing Histories of Settler Colonialism


Settler colonialism is a structure not an event - woodcut

image caption: strong upstanding rectangle black and white political poster with the words "Settler colonialism is a structure not an event". The strongest shape is a down facing black arrow and at the bottom of the rectangle are what look like white hills.

I am guessing we're all familiar with the idea of colonialism. Growing up in the UK I heard the word but there wasn't a bunch of detail in our education system. For a stretch when I was a kid I lived in Atlanta but it was never thematised that we were on colonised lands. Then as an adult I moved to #narrm, Australia for the first time and started to learn more about the realities of Settler Conialism from the perspective of those who this system tried to (and is still trying to) displace.

So - here are some excellent podcasts on the theme for those of you who may not have traveled to a land which is in this process.

tags: #podcast #podcasts #rev-left-radio

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@dan %33MKFHFLbIelzk4TXqIZsjW9tT5HsSNewlvI2d3MCO8=.sha256
Voted Hi [@dan hassan](@NeB4q4Hy9IiMxs5L08oevEhivxW+/aDu/s/0SkNayi0=.ed25519) and
@dan %i7m0CgMltZJAZMG1Q4KMBX16GkPdnqprbK0+naK0evs=.sha256

@aesthetical narrm is the wundjeri word for the part of melbourne i live in :-D afaik this area has intersections with 5 (maybe 7) tribes from the Kulin nations:


Image caption: map of regional victoria in australia and the Aboriginal Tribes which made up the lands prior to colonisation

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@dan %iGL4wMypAHnxRwMmgsZGN4Cu2uvn6zSE90CefSjnvLs=.sha256
Voted Hi [@dan hassan](@NeB4q4Hy9IiMxs5L08oevEhivxW+/aDu/s/0SkNayi0=.ed25519)...
@dan %Bn19P2kp0njN0/OYMK9KsWZBWMNVMOO25zs9luUS8fY=.sha256

@luandro @Marco you both might enjoy these resources given this thread

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